Laura Gothreau Psychology
Therapy & Consultation
The Strongest Investment You Can Make Is In Yourself
2SLGBTQIA+ Resources


One of the most challenging aspects of coming out, or considering transitioning, is the overwhelming confusion about the process ahead! Each person has their own unique journey, and many important decisions to make along the way. In an effort to help you along as you explore what is right for you, I have put together a resource list for LGBTQ+ people in Ontario. This list will provide you with the opportunity to kick start your exploration of the services available to you.
For many people, one of the best ways to equip your self-exploration is through therapy that facilitates an examination of all of the factors that impact you, may hold you back, and what will help you on your journey ahead. To book an appointment, visit our contact page.
Province-Wide Resources
Rainbow Health Ontario is a valuable resource of service providers and FAQs. Visit https://www.rainbowhealthontario.ca/
Intersex Society of North America provides advocacy and resources for intersex people and supporters. http://www.isna.org/
LGBT Youthline is a distress line for LGBTQ+ youth in Ontario. http://www.youthline.ca/
EGALE Canada Human Rights Trust. https://egale.ca/
The 519: With a variety of peer support groups for LGBTQ+ people of all ages, The 519 is a great resource for those in the GTA. http://www.the519.org/programs/category/trans-specific
Sherbourne Health Centre:Offering a range of peer support groups. www.sherbourne.on.ca
2-Spirited People of the First Nations: A drop-in group for Indigenous 2-spirited or trans-identified youth. The facilitators can be contacted at 416-944-9300.
Xpressions - Toronto’s Transgender Support Club: Providing monthly get-togethers and social gatherings for trans-identified people and cross-dressers. www.xpressions.org
Youth Mentoring Program: For LGBTQ2+ people under the age of 25 looking to connect with an LGBTQ2+ mentor. www.soytoronto.org
Gender Journeys, Toronto: Providing primarily psychoeducational groups on a regularly scheduled basis. Contact facilitators at carney@sherbourne.on.ca or ydadui@sherbourne.on.ca
Transgender Youth Clinic, SickKids, Toronto: http://www.sickkids.ca/AdolescentMedicine/transgender-youth-clinic.html
Oakville, Milton
LGBTTTIQQAA Youth Support Group, Oakville, Milton: A peer support group for youth aged 14-19. Contact 905-875-2575 extension 239 for more information.
Peel Region
Gender Journeys, Peel Region: www.eastmississaugachc.org
TransYouth Group, Mississauga and Brampton: for trans and queer youth age 12-17. Email the group facilitator at youth@aysp.ca. www.aysp.ca
York Region
Rainbow Youth, York Region (Newmarket, Aurora, Richmond Hill, Vaughan, Markham): www.rainbowyouthyork.com
Trans Support Group, Richmond Hill: Meeting biweekly. www.fsyr.ca
The Well. An LGBTQ+ resource centre. www.thewellhamilton.ca
Trans Peer-Support Group, Hamilton: Meets biweekly. Email the group facilitator at transpeersupport@gmail.com
Torchlight Gender Support Group: For trans and gender-questioning people and their friends and families. Meets monthly. Email the group facilitator at torchlight@gto.net
Gender Journeys, Peterborough: www.ptboclinic.com
Niagara/St. Catharines/ Welland
GLBTQ Youth Outreach Program: www.niagarapride.com
Regional Niagara Public Health Department works to connect transgender people to local resources. www.regional.niagara.on.ca/government/health
Trans Support Group: Meets monthly. www.lihc.on.ca
Transgender London, “Steel Butterflies”: Social drop-in for trans people of all ages. https://transgenderlondon.com/
Education on Queer Issues Project (EQUIP), Queen’s University. https://clubs.myams.org/equip/
Carleton GLBTQ Centre for Sexual and Gender Diversity: Call (613) 520-3723 or email glbt@cusaonline.com
Gender Mosaic: Meeting monthly for socializing and peer support. www.gendermosaic.ca
Gender Quest: Once per month meetings. www.pinktriangle.org/pts_site/Eng/tdg.html
Genderfukt: For genderqueer/bigender/androgynous youth aged 16-25. Contact (613) 859-4298
Generation Q: A support group for GLBTTQ men & women in their 20s & 30s, meeting biweekly. Contact (613) 563-4818
PFLAG Ottawa, biweekly meetings September through June at Church of St. John the Evangelist.
Ottawa F-to-M Brunch Group, meeting monthly. https://groups.yahoo.com/group/ottawaftm
Trans Youth Ottawa. Meets monthly. www.transyouthottawa.ca
University of Ottawa Pride Centre. Contact uopride@sfuo.ca or visit https://www.uottawa.ca/student/glbtq
North Bay
Mack Treanor Greer-Delarosbel, Social Worker who has resources for trans and genderqueer people. Email at TMahood-Greer@NEMHC.on.ca or call (705) 474-1205, x7876.
Thunder Bay
Community LGBTQ Resources Directory. Information and resources on social, legal, health and counselling services for LGBTQ community members and their families, friends and allies. www.tbdhu.com/sexualhealth/communitylgbt